Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rochester NROTC in the news


This is a video of the UR NROTC Battalion doing PT this morning that was on the news. The group over on the left side is Alpha Company which is the one I'm in. I'm not sure if you can spot me anywhere in the video, probably the definition isn't good enough to recognize me anyways.

The man they interview is Captain Saunders, he's a Marine Captain which doesn't rank as high as a Navy Captain.

The guy that is leading the exercising is Midshipman 1/c Bagg, he's the Athletics Officer and was also the Platoon Commander during Indoc. You do not want to get on his bad side, although during Indoc it was literally impossible not to be on his bad side.

The second man they intervie, the one who I think looks a little bit like cousin Jesse, is Sergeant Ogiba. He was an enlisted Marine and has been to Iraq and I'm sure many other places like that as well. His position is a little confusing because he's a Sergeant and the Battalion Commander at the same time.

The girl they interview is MIDN 1/c Lynch, and her voice sounds like that on the video because she was one of the Sergeant Instructor's for Indoc and spent all weekend yelling at us 4/c MIDN.

Right after we finished those warm-up exercises we went off for about an hour-long run with our respective companies. By the way, the Alpha Company made it the furthest on the run before we turned back, which is good because there is a lot of competition between the three companies to become Honor Company. I don't know a lot of details about that just yet, but the upperclassmen talk about wanting to be Honor Company a lot, it seems to be pretty serious competition. Anyway I thought you guys would like to see that and see some of the people in the Battalion. There's a lot of truly great people there, no joke, especially Captain Saunders and Sergeant Ogiba.


Mom said...

Wow, Luke, thanks for posting the link. I think I could do about two of those mountain-climbing things before falling down. Maybe three, on a good day. I can't spot you for certain but it's good to know you are in there -- did you get a navy sweatshirt with a gold seal on the front? The people in green are Marine-option, right?

How funny about the sergeant - instructor who blew out her voice yelling at you. The people interviewed all seem SO impressive, and it is great to have a mental picture of what you're doing and some faces to go with it. Very cool, thanks!

Luke Murphy said...

Yeah the people in green are Marine. I do have a navy sweatshirt and all that stuff.

Dad said...

You got yelled at by a girl?

Anonymous said...

Hi Luke, Judy and I loved your posting on indoc week. It is a period of time you will never forget, and you have met some dedicated people, both in your class and upperclassmen, whom you will not forget.
The indoc sounded strangely similar to what it was like 44 years ago, except you did not mention having to recite "How's the Cow?"
You are in a great program and thanks for sharing the stories with us.
Don & Judy

Mom said...

After reading the note from Unca Don and Aunt Judy, naturally I had to Google "How's the Cow," and this is what I found on various sites devoted to military things:

Q: How's the cow?
A: Sir! She walks, she talks, she's full of chalk, the lacteal fluid extracted from the female of the bovine species is highly prolific to the nth degree.

Perhaps you could memorize this now, Luke, and amaze them by knowing it already when somebody asks you. You can always ascribe your knowledge to your farming background.