Monday, September 25, 2006

Howling at Hanggliders


Caleb said...

That's a slimmer-looking dog!

Dad said...

That's a hangglider. The dog is the one howling.

You're in vet school, you say?

Luke Murphy said...

Where did you take those pictures?

Dad said...

From right behind the camera.

Mom said...

Ha ha ha. We went hiking near the Labrador Mountain ski area -- actually in the hills just across the valley from there. The valley you can see beyond the hang glider waiting to take off in the picture is Labrador Valley.

Anyway, we got to the overlook on the trail and there were two people getting their hang gliders ready, plus a small crowd of hikers waiting around to watch them take off. We saw them both go. The first one just whooshed down into the valley, but the second one -- much more experienced -- promised to give us a show, and he did. He caught a thermal and soared up instead of down after taking off, and then he circled above us for a long time.

There were three dogs there -- Panda and the other two you see in the picture -- and this made them absolutely insane. They whimpered when the first guy went, but the second one was much worse. When he first took off they whimpered. Then, as he circled overhead, they cried, and then they barked, and finally they just pointed their noses at the weird big person-bird thing overhead and howled -- all three of them at once. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. They were beside themselves. "This is all WRONG. That person jumped off the hill into the air, and nobody stopped him, and now he is up there overhead and all of you idiots are just staring at him and not doing a single thing about it. He has wings, for crissakes! This is not right! Why don't you get him DOWN???!!!"

Luke Murphy said...
