Friday, April 07, 2006

News of the Leg

Luke saw the orthopedist yesterday and got pretty good news. According to the doctor, the fracture is a simple one in an uncomplicated part of the bone. It ought to heal quickly and without complications. For now, at least, Luke doesn't have a cast. Instead, he is in a knee immobilizer that straps on and off with velcro. He also has a spiffy new pair of lightweight crutches, but he is allowed to try to bear a little weight on the leg when his own comfort allows it. He could be walking in a few weeks.

We'll go back to the orthopedist in two weeks. At that point, if things aren't mending or Luke is still in a lot of pain, he might have to get a cast -- but the doctor's hoping to avoid that.

Though it's certainly preferable to a cast, the immobilizer is clunky and awkward, and dealing with crutches and discomfort is exhausting. Luke is doing a lot of sleeping when he has the chance, which isn't all that often what with school, baseball (he's still attending, even though he can't play) and play practice. But if the orthopedist is correct, he should start feeling better pretty soon.

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