Friday, April 28, 2006

I Like to Watch

Which is a line from the movie "Being There". If you've never seen it, rent it this weekend. It's delightful. I never cared for the Inspector Clouseau stuff, but this is different. I promise you will enjoy it.

Which isn't what I was refering (referring?) to in the title. I was refering to watching weight. The alternate title was "I'm a Weight Watcher!". I have lost 22 lbs. in just over two months as an unofficial Weight Watcher. As an official Weight watcher, Mom has done the same. When we get into the truck together, it now says, "Oh, thank you!") Are we happy about this? Yes, we are! I'll never forget Rob belly-bumping me when he greeted me at OBX last year.

I went to the doctor in February and he told me my weight was creeping up, and my cholesterol turned up at 250, so we'll see what effect the change in diet and weight loss has on it.

Why Weight Watchers is great:

1. It's like a game. You get points, and you can use them any way you want. Mom likes to spread hers evenly through the day. I like to hoard mine early so I can pig out in the evening. I'm always trying to figure out how I can make the most food out of my points. It's interesting and fun, believe it or not.

2. It reforms your eating habits. Crap is very expensive point-wise, so you stop eating it. You know when they say that a healthy diet consists of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dariy products, whole grains and lean meats? That's what our diet is now. Of course, it helps that My Bonnie Lass has become such a great cook. And WW has some delicious recipes.

3. You savor your food. Food just tastes better when you don't have an unlimited supply.

4. Follow their plan, and you WILL lose weight. It's easy and fun, though interesting may be a better word than fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so you think i'm fat?