Friday, October 28, 2005

Pigeons, Pigeons, Pigeons

While I'm pasting things into the blog from the Evening Sun, I can't resist adding this -- it's got to be the best-ever loony 30-Seconds call.

“On the bird flu, it isn’t chickens or ducks it’s pigeons causing this. All the cities over there like Germany, everywhere it’s going, is nothing but pigeons, pigeons, pigeons. And pigeons are filthy birds. They drink water out of streams and eat all kinds of that old stuff that is what you give them. Pigeons, pigeons, pigeons is what you want. Quit killing the chickens and the ducks, it isn’t them.”
Woman from Norwich


Dad said...

And stop touching those monkeys! They got problems enough as it is!

Mom said...

It's probably the pigeons who've been touching the monkeys all this time. Who knew??

Caleb said...

It's true, though. Germany is a very dirty city.

Anonymous said...

So is Venice. Eww. But it's still beautiful... and so is Roberto, my Italian lover boy. I'm not even kidding. I HAVE PICTURES OF HIM!

yeah. stop touching those pigeons.

Caleb said...

Venice? You must mean Italy. Venice is a country, of course.

Anonymous said...

Nooo I just meant Venice. Venice was dirty. Sure it's a country but it's pretttty small. Italy wasn't dirty. Well it was dirty, but not that bad.

Mr. Murphy my check coolant light came back on.

Caleb said...

Man, aurora, I just can't tell if you get it.

Dad said...

Caleb. She gets it. Really. No flies on Aurora.

Aurora. I'm dismayed. Please bring your car here. It's under warranty.

Anonymous said...

apparently i'm retarded? it's not a new feeling don't worry.



its a mix between bmw's and mercedes benzessss

Dad said...

Ten years ago, on a cold, dark night, ...

Oh. Sorry. Wrong thread.

No, it's not a mix of Mercedes and BMW. It's a misspelling of Jason's last name. And it's not a seperate country.

Anonymous said...

are you guys going on and on about this because i compared venice (a city) to germany (a country)? that's reallllly annoying. HAHAHA yeah venice isn't a country. i knew that. but seriously the tour guide when we were in venice was talking about how it was not only physically a part of italy but its something else. its not a different country but its a province. stuff like that. i swear to god i knew that venice wasn't a separate country. but its something else.

catch my drift?

i'm smarte than all of you. ive been to venice and that means that i can call it a country if i want to.