Thursday, September 04, 2008

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

"McBama vs. America"


Spongy Penguin said...

Did this guy expect something else...?

Luke Murphy said...

"Observe that such paeans to sacrifice are not unique to these two candidates nor to this particular presidential race; they have been staples of every candidate, every race, and every president in recent history. George H. W. Bush sold his programs by trumpeting “an ethic of community service” and rhapsodizing about solving “pressing human problems” by means of “a vast galaxy of people working voluntarily in their own backyards.”10 Bill Clinton sold his agenda by telling America that “citizen service is the main way we recognize that we are responsible for one another” and by urging “every state to make service a part of the curriculum in high school or even in middle school” because “every young American should be taught the joy and the duty of serving.”11 And George W. Bush has accomplished his goals by telling us that “where there is suffering, there is duty” and that “Americans are generous and strong and decent, not because we believe in ourselves, but because we hold beliefs beyond ourselves” and that we must “seek a common good beyond our comfort” and “serve our nation” by “building communities of service.”"

Certainly not. But does that mean that he shouldn't object? We get the leaders we deserve.

Laura said...

Luke, do you remember how in high school we had to do mandatory volunteer (haha) work to graduate? If that makes me mad, your blood must be boiling.

Luke Murphy said...

Heh, you betcha. What makes me even more angry is the "volunteer" work we have to do a lot of on weekends for ROTC. In October we're handing out food at a church, what a joke. That can hardly be considered "protecting the Constitution."