Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Advice for Interviewees

Right here.


Mom said...

Excellent advice in every respect. I do have one caveat, but it has to do with a picture, not the text. In spite of what's shown in one of those pictures, do not ever, under any circumstances, twist a strand of your hair while smiling flirtatiously at your interviewer during a job interview. And if your interviewer ever does that to you while you are interviewing, find a different company to work for! In fact, don't touch your hair or your face at all during a job interview or any other formal professional meeting. Why they thought that picture had anything to do with a job search is beyond me.

That is all.

Laura said...

Ummm, I'm pretty sure that picture is showing how NOT to act.

Mom said...

Hmm. I looked at it again and I think you're right. I missed it, I guess, because the other pictures are so bland and stock-photo-archive-ish that it didn't occur to me that this particular one was meant to be a witty comment on the text. But I stand corrected.

The advice is all still good. Anything you'd add, Laura? You are a bit of a seasoned pro on this after the past few weeks, after all!