Thursday, May 31, 2007

"Hey Mom! Can I get This Book?"

"No, of course not, little man. Why don't you go practice your yoga?"

A review of The Dangerous Book For Boys by Christina Hoff Summers. A quote:

In a radical departure from modern schoolroom readings, the book has almost nothing to say about feelings, relationships or how boys can learn to cry. It valorizes risk, adventure and manliness.

Today's boys inhabit a danger-averse world where even old favorites like tag and dodge ball are under a cloud - Too competitive! Someone might get hurt! The National Parent Teacher Association recommends a cooperative alternative to the fiercely competitive "tug of war" called "tug of peace."

By contrast, "The Dangerous Book for Boys" has detailed instructions on how to hunt, kill, skin and cook a rabbit.

1 comment:

Spongy Penguin said...

But... penguins don't eat rabbits... I'm so confused!