Friday, January 12, 2007

What a difference a year makes!

Almost exactly one year ago today, Dad posted this:

"Friday, January 13, 2006


Will Caleb get into vet school?

Will Luke, who has been accepted at University of Rochester with a Rhees scholarship, get accepted into Naval ROTC?

Will Cassie be going on a cruise in February?

If you know the answer to any of these questions, please let me know. The suspense is bad for my arthritis."

Well, I may have missed out on the cruise, but a year later, Luke is in ROTC, Caleb is in vet school, and both of them are prospering. Caleb got some wonderful news today. He learned that he is one of this year's recipients of an Opportunity Scholarship from the Veterinary School. There's an article about the Opportunity Scholarship fund here. This is a shorter description of the scholarship from the vet school web site:

"Established in 1998, the mission of the Opportunity Scholarship Program at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine is to foster scholarship support and mentoring opportunities for future veterinarians trained at Penn. Incoming first-year students compete for a $10,000 award ($2,500 each year) and the opportunity to mentor with a practicing veterinarian or faculty person. Donors have the satisfaction of honoring a friend, relative or a family name, while at the same time investing in the future of the School and the profession."

Congratulations, Caleb, on getting off to such a great start!

1 comment:

Dad said...

I think it's interesting that Caleb called just as James Herriot euthanized an old man's dog on "Ill Creatures Great and Small".

Way to go, Caleb. My heifer is a bit improved this am, BTW, and interestingly she is ketotic. I'm hoping I'll be able to avoid a honkin' vet bill.