Friday, January 26, 2007

Barack's a (Gasp!) Smoker!

I like him better already. It certainly explains his gaunt appearance. Maybe he can do for smoking what Bill CLinton did for mentor-mentee sexual exploitation (It's OK after all!).

Apparently, if he quits, it might destroy the voice that has the Dems swooning.

Lileks is on it:

Obama is a smoker. Who knew? I like the way this story raises the issue – they’re concerned about the effect on his voice if he stops smoking, don’t you see. Hah! I’m waiting for the candid shot of Obama having a smoke – if he’s in a good suit, giving off that Rat Pack vibe, it’ll set the anti-smoking cause back ten years. It's he's wearing a fedora, which would add a jazzman / forties twist, I see a fifty-state sweep. Or maybe not. Given how cigarette smoking has become a moral issue, it’ll be interesting to see how this gets played. A humanizing frailty? A surprising character flaw? DID HE SMOKE AROUND CHILDREN? Doesn't matter; the more I look at this fellow, the more I see a fifty state sweep.


Anonymous said...

Hey, how about a deal with RJ Reynolds for a cigarette named after him? Would you walk in and say, "Hey, buddy, gimme a pack of Obamas", or "Hey, buddy, gimme a pack of Baracks"?

Mom said...

If he had a stroke, he might be able to quit.

Anonymous said...

...or a well-placed crayon.