Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Not-So-Eensy-Weensy Spider, or Why We're Glad We Aren't Grasshoppers

Here's the newest resident of the Murphy home. This critter took up residence on the outside of the screen of the family-room window right by the computer and promptly set about making a nice dinner out of a grasshopper. Notice the egg sac. I am just hoping that the babies, when they emerge, are too big to fit through the holes in the screen and get indoors!


Caleb said...

Can we name it Aurora?

(And does that make the grasshopper Luke?)

P.S. This word verification thing is ridiculous. I have an 8 letter word that's all curvy and ran together. I wish there was just a button I could push saying "I verify that I am not a robot." 'Cause I'm not a robot, and I don't deserve to be treated like one.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAH Caleb about the robot.

And thanks a lot for posting pictures of the spider. Do you realize that I can't come to this site anymore until there are more posts after this one? Oh. I get it. It was intentional. GREAT, THANKS!