Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Here I am at college. Making a regular blog post. I've been to my classes, and bought my books. $350 dollars worth. Its hot and gross here. Nothing too interesting to report so far, so you'll just have to wait.
I'm reading the Bible for Western Hum. There is a lot of begating.


Caleb said...

$350 on BOOKS?

Are you nuts?

Next time you go to college, let me know when you get your syllabi. I'll save you 50%, guaranteed. Especially if you cut out some of the unimportant ones, like the Bible.

Here's a very helpful pictorial version of the Bible by Buz McNutt (really)(requires Adobe Acrobat). It's worth it just for Stick Figure Abraham.

Mom said...

Maybe you could look into Laura's current syllabi, see if you can get any of this semester's books at better prices, and she could return the expensive ones she bought?

The pictorial version of the Bible is very funny -- but they seem to have left out the begats.