Thursday, June 16, 2005

Pug Report?

Hey, Caleb, I told my Lexis friends about your Pug in Distress. A couple of them own pugs (one named Violet, two others named Betsey and something or other) and they want to know what happened next. Did she find a home?


Caleb said...

Not yet, I don't think. I'm waiting to figure out where i'm gonna live in August before maybe putting in a bid. She has homes that are optional if no one else definitely wants her, but right now she's just hanging out at the hospital. She doesn't seem to like me very much (seems more interested in women, actually), so I doubt I'll end up taking her. It seems like she's already lost a little weight on the diet the doctors ahve her on.

We may never know what was in the other dog's bladder. During surgery on her pancreas, Dr. Ross felt her bladder, saying he'd take a look if he felt anything. He didn't, and so he didn't look. Who knows.

Mom said...

I imagine that you will encounter many more unsolved veterinary mysteries like this one. Weird, though.

As for the pug, it's funny how some dogs can be weird around men -- but it usually seems to apply only to men they don't know well. They generally get over it as they get to know their new families. Thanks for the update!