Thursday, March 05, 2009

Angry camels in a car

Turn your volume way up for this one:

1 comment:

Mom said...

Wait. Camels can't fit in that car.

But they really do make that noise! My mother and I once saw two camels fighting at the Washington, D.C. zoo. It was the most ferocious animal fight I have ever seen. They were both making that noise -- absolutely terrifying in real life -- and slashing at each other's legs with their hooves and with those huge teeth. They were clearly trying to slash the tendons that run down the back of the lower legs and they were succeeding -- both camels had flaps of torn skin on their legs, blood splashing everywhere.

Somehow the keepers had failed to notice, which I can't understand because their roaring noise was just filling the air. My mother and I found a keeper and told him and he scrambled to get help and try to separate them. Spectators were shooed right away from there -- we never found out what happened.

They are nasty, nasty animals. Don't be their vet!