Friday, October 10, 2008

It's Not the Onion

Next thing you know, they'll be giving habeas corpus rights to terrorists.


Laura said...

England is SO weird.

'The fence was just a single strand and ringing my property. It was only 3ft high – it wasn't as though I'd dug a moat filled with piranha fish and erected 6ft iron railings.'

Why shouldn't he surround HIS property with a moat and piranhas? It's his damn property.

Luke Murphy said...

You said it Laura.

We've still got time here, but in England it sounds to me like it's about time to um, "raise the black flag." They have Sharia courts there now.

Caleb said...

I had to Google that, Luke. Holy crap, they actually do. That blows my mind. Blows it all to hell.

Luke Murphy said...

You may find Pat Condell on YouTube interesting then.