Friday, May 30, 2008

Eco this

If I hear "eco-friendly" one more time...


Anonymous said...


yup, yup, yup

Dad said...

here's an eco-friendly dork who just is as stupid as a bag of hammers:


Anonymous said...

Shit. Will fix later. Milk cows.

Spongy Penguin said...

Yea, won't what that guy's doing create more waste because they'll throw out the food he doesn't eat anyway?

Dad said...

Yeah, but it's OK. When he goes to the supermarket he doesn't use their plastic bags. He brings his own LL Bean reusable shopping bag.

Caleb said...

I don't know about you, but when I go to the grocery store it requires 10-15 bags to get my month's worth of food out the door. My question about people who use the reusable bags is this: Do they have 10-15 bags, or do they just drive to the grocery store 10-15 times more often than I do?

Mom said...

It's very interesting that pretty much every commenter who posted on that page agrees with Dad's assessment of the author's intelligence. Where are all the Green Folk for whom Amazon (presumably) created the site?

As for those bags in the grocery store, Caleb, I have always wondered exactly the same thing. If I had to bring enough of them along with me to take care of a typical big shopping trip, I would need a second shopping cart to haul them all around the store with me until I got them to the cashier to be packed with my food. And that would burn more of my energy, requiring me to consume more calories and increasing my carbon footprint, which would clearly never do. So you see, the eco-friendly thing to do is to use the store's bags, after all.

Dad said...

What I'm worried about is oxygen depletion. Do you realize that the air you inhale is 21% O2 and the air you exhale is 17% O2? Just think about it. There are 6,500,000,000 people in the world. At 20 respirations per minute and a tidal volume of 1 liter, I figure the oxygen will run out on August 17, 2017 at 4:32 PM.
Even if it doesn't, don't you think it would be wise to start now, immediately, to ward off any such catastrophe?

You've got to start holding your breaths, people. For Mother Earth, our fragile planet. Please.

Mom said...

Peak Oxygen!

Anonymous said...

One of the many reasons I am not a republican:

Mike Huckabee: "I do believe we have a moral responsibility to take care of the planet....At the heart of conservatism is conservation.....The Earth doesn't belong to us, it is not ours to abuse...For me, it's a matter of 'I don't own something, it's not mine to abuse it.'...Anything that says we can use up the planet...That's not conservatism, that's pure selfishness."

Like virtually every politician or intellectual today (left, right, libertarian, green, whatever), Huckabee is a stupid appeaser with no principles, no convictions, and no thought. Someone like that may think that by appealing to "public opinion" for popularity's sake, they are helping themselves. In actuality, however, they are more a slave to the masses than the masses are to them, and they are just picking a long, slow, pathetic path towards suicide.

I also read a survey recently that said 70% of evangelical christians now believe that global warming is the numero uno problem facing the world. I'd look it up to double check, but the internet on the ship is very slow. I can't think of anything much more frightening (or less surprising) then the fusing of religious fanaticism with environmentalism. So long as the environmentalists are nihilists, we'll be okay, but with god on their side we're doomed. Anybody else hear about the new WWJD movement? What Would Jesus Drive (a hybrid)? YIKES!

"It's very interesting that pretty much every commenter who posted on that page agrees with Dad's assessment of the author's intelligence. Where are all the Green Folk for whom Amazon (presumably) created the site?"

Mom what you are observing is the gap between the American people and its intellectual leadership. Thank goodness for this gap, because it means that here, unlike in most of Europe, there is still hope. Even if many Americans pay lip service to green, fundamentally they are mostly interested in working, furthering themselves, MAKING money, and enjoying their lives. The gap is shrinking, but there is still time.