Wednesday, July 26, 2006

What a lightning strike looks like

This happened last night during an intense storm, with the most horrific simultaneous flash and crack and smash that I think any of us have ever heard. The result: the living room TV is fried, as are the satellite TV, a fencer at the barn, and the phone lines in the house and the barn. My office phone line, oddly enough, is fine -- possibly because I just ran that line through a new battery backup system that also kept my computer running without interruption, or possibly just because lightning is a flakey thing.

We don't know where the lightning actually hit -- it may not have been the house itself. It could have been a telephone pole or somewhere on the garage or the barn. We may never know. Whatever it was, those of us in the kitchen did not seem to hear quite as loud an impact (although it was plenty loud) as did Laura and Jason, up in her room -- Jason said he had trouble hearing for a few moments afterward. Everyone is fine, though, and glad that nothing worse happened.

One result is that we did not see last night's RS game and won't see tonight's either -- the DirectTV people aren't coming to fix the system until tomorrow. So, Caleb, we can neither watch for you nor record the games. :-( Please give us especially detailed reports!

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