Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Math #2 or Screaming at the TV

Jeopardy category: Story Problems

For $200:

12 hens lay six eggs each. Two get broken, and then a hen lays one more egg. This is how many unbroken eggs there are.

Contestant number three, assertively: What is 5? " You idiot!"

Contestant number two, tentatively: What is 71? "Phew."

For $400:

A lepidopterist spies 4 butterflies each with 3 black spots and 5 yellow spots. This is how many spots the lepidopterist saw.

Contestant number two, assertively: What is 60? "What the hell is the matter with these people!"

Contestant number one, very tentatively: What is ... um ... 32? "Jesus."

For $600:

The jeopardy producers went out after work and consumed 72 beers, 20 in the first round and 26 in the second round. This is how many they consumed int the final round.

Contestant number two: What is 26? "Wow, what a relief."

for $800:

You buy a widget for 64 cents and give the cashier a dollar. These are the four coins you get in change.

Contestant number two: What is a penny, a dime, a nickel and a quarter? "ARGHHH!"

Contestant number one: What is a penny and three dimes? "OMFG, YOU IDIOT!"

Contestant number three: What is a penny, a quarter and two nickels? "TOO LATE! I'M ALREADY INSANE!"

For $1000:

You travel 3 miles north and 4 miles east. This is the number of miles you must travel to return to your starting place.

Contestant number 3: What is five? "Phew. Jesus. Is there foam on my lips?"

These are fourth grade (third? second?) math problems and these supposedly smart people gave as many wrong answers as right ones. Good thing we had some wine.


Laura said...

Hey! Anna and I watched that episode too. But we saw it on Monday night.

Caleb said...

I don't know...I can get all of those correct when sitting here with unlimited time and no studio lights. Some of them I have to give some serious thought to. In 6th grade, I think I actually would have gone through them faster. At some point, my ability to do relatively simple math completely dropped away.