Saturday, March 22, 2008

A dog mosaic

Put Panda in! I just put him in as Panda16, using this picture:

Within 24 to 48 hours you should be able to find him by searching "Panda16" (It's kinda fun to look at Pandas 1 through 15. None, of course, are nearly as cute.)

It has to be a horizontal rather than a vertical shot, and they say it has to be a "close-up," though it looks as if their definition's pretty lax.

How many Pandas can we get in there? And we need Hobbes, too!


Caleb said...

apparently it'll be 24-48 hours before the picture's actually posted. i searched in vain for a while. Then I added Hobbes (Hobbes12), and saw the message. Apparently they check the pictures before they put them up. I'm still gonna try to get Sheba in.

Laura said...

Panda still isn't up there. I'm getting annoyed.

Mom said...

Hobbes isn't there yet, either.

Mom said...

Still no Panda in the Mosaic, but who cares? look how serious and cute and perfect our Panda puppy is. Who else, what other dog, could spring from a basket in just that way?

I took a walk with Panda last weekend and we ran into ice and steep slopes on Cush Hill. It was seriously scary, and at one point, he slipped and fell a way down hill and had trouble getting back up. But he got up and remembered where his strength was, and we got down to the field where the grass and the sunshine and the robins were waiting. So far, so good. That's all we can ask.

Laura said...

Panda and Hobbes are up! And I submitted a Panda17 and he is up too. Woo hoo!

Mom said...

Yippee! Caleb -- Hobbes loves to turn left??

Caleb said...

Check out Sheba28. Hideous dog.

I've been training Hobbes to turn left on command. Not right, though, that'd be too hard.

Mom said...

How did you sneak her in there! How funny. I'd put Mouse in but I'm too mad at her for waking me up all the doggoned time by banging on the bedroom door.

Laura said...

Panda is so cute!!

Sorry, I am just so taken with his cuteness every time I open up the blog.