Thursday, August 31, 2006

Out of My Mind

I know you all think I'm nuts about global warming, and, you're right, I am. It's a fine example of the The Doomsday Syndrome, which has been around a long time, and is made possible by the fact that almost no one is still alive who was alive one hundred years ago. No one remembers how difficult life was before fossil fuels, antibiotics, DDT, Round-Up, and (gasp!) preservatives.

But I'm not the only one who is out of his mind.

Click here.


Mom said...

I changed your URL into a clickable link -- hope you don't mind, but it was trailing off the edge of the post and that made it hard to follow it.

Dad said...

You are SO awesome.

BTW, have you seen any of the kids lately?

Mom said...

Huh. Come to think of it, no, I haven't.

Dad said...

Me, either. Did Luke have a long soccer practice or something?

Dad said...

And we don't have any cold coke in the fridge. Luke is "the only one in this family that puts Coke in the fridge" so that there's cold coke when the previous bottle is finished.

Dad said...

Who's gonna mow the lawn?

Scott said...

"Alfred P. Sloan professor of Meteorology . . ." Let's see, is that Alfred P. Sloan as in the President of General Motors? Hmmmm . . .

Dad said...

AHA! A conspiracy! And right out in the open! These people are brazen and will stop at nothing.

Judi said...

I'm confused -- does Alfred P. Sloan mow lawns or put Coke in the fridge?

My lowest empty nesting moment was realizing I did not know how to start the themostat when it got very COLD -- and my dear spouse did not bother to tell me anything other than look for the instruction book, so I had no idea the thermostat comes right off the wall so as to be reprogramed in your hand and not as you twist your neck under the cabinet and try, alas in vain, to program it thru the totally wrong portion of your bifocals -- the VCR I could have (and do) live without since the children left, but the heat???

Scott said...

Must be Luke's conspiring with Coke?

Dad said...

Luke's PERspiring with coke. 144 free bottles for opening a checking account at Chase.

Judi, good that that was your lowest empty nest moment. Not so bad, really. Still waiting for mine.