Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Look what Dad found in 8L!

It was there, all by itself, at five o'clock. Dad and I walked back up there just now, at about 9, and it was still there, curled up in the grass in the middle of the pasture, perfectly content and comfortable and showing no fear. I called Marsha Guzewich at the Rogers Center and she said the rule is "if you care, leave it there." She says this is normal behavior and the mother will come back to it soon. We aren't so sure--the fawn is in a very exposed location in short grass nowhere near the edge of the field; it doesn't seem like a likely place for the mother deer to leave it. But we'll see if it's still there in the morning and, if so, maybe try to contact a wildlife rehabilitator. Panda was very good! Posted by Hello

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