Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Look who's living under the shed!

 We saw three fox kits playing around the shed yesterday morning, tumbling around together in the spring grass, pretending to pounce on mice and generally being ridiculously cute.  Mama stayed nearby, standing guard vigilantly in the middle of the road most of the time and sometimes doing a little tumbling with the cubs herself.  It looks as if they have a den under the shed. We were just talking the other day about tearing down the shed because it's pretty dilapidated and we could tell animals had been digging underneath. Good thing we didn't! 

This afternoon, Dad saw two more for a total of five!  I apologize for the excess of pictures, but they're pretty irresistible. 

1 comment:

Dad said...

We've named them. The kits. Jamie, Margot, Sam, Danny, and Next.