Monday, June 23, 2014

A weekend visit

Saturday was a beautiful day for a visit with Jamie, Great Murphy and Caleb at Look Park.

Jamie wasn't feeling all that well, but he was game, at first, and excited about a ride on the train . . .

. . . at least in theory.  In reality, some doubts set in.

But not for Great Murphy!  She, of course, loved every bit of it: the train ride, a picnic lunch,

and the time with her family.  Jamie warmed to it, too.

But he wore out fast that afternoon, suffered through a long, uncomfortable car ride home, and slept through the rest of the afternoon and a good part of the evening . . . and woke up Sunday morning feeling much better.

Bears are always a comfort

. . . even in boxes . . .

and there was lots of serious playing to do.

Looking back, it was a great visit.  Wish we didn't have to say goodbye.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww poor Jamie. He sure looks like he was trying to be a trooper. I always thought that train ride was a little scary through the tunnel. Great Murphy is having the time of her life. Thanks for the post.