Monday, November 03, 2008

Vote for Obama!

If the prospect of Bill Ayers eating dinner in the White House doesn't disturb you.


Caleb said...

I guess that's a little disturbing, but I'm wondering if there's any honest evidence out there that Obama and Ayers had any sort of relationship other than being on a committee together and living in the same neighborhood. If there is, I haven't seen it yet. If there's not, then I really don't care. While it says something about Obama that he wouldn't and won't condemn Ayers from the outset, it doesn't seem like they exactly "pal around," to use the popular phrase.

Spongy Penguin said...

Apparently it doesn't disturb a lot of people.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure you can draw that conclusion, Spongy. The mainstream media so thoroughly abdicated their role in the midst of their Obama masturbation that I think most Obama voters would say, "Who's Bill Ayers?"

On the other hand, I take and concede your point. Obama garnered the most votes. Ergo, it doesn't matter to most voters, aware or not.