Thursday, April 21, 2005

One more thing for farmers to worry about . . .

Maybe Dad's bulk tank got so full by the overuse of that dangerous chemical, dihydrogen monoxide. That's what this web page would probably claim, anyway. Check it out and follow the link at the bottom to the main page. But whatever you do, don't stop reading before you get to the priceless exchange of letters between the page's creators and the editor of "Hoard's Dairyman." (And Dad, if you know, what on earth does the editor mean when he says, in the first letter, that Hoard's "reverses the rear legs on professionally photographed cows"? How would they do that? Why would they do that??)


Dad said...

Well, I do admit to using dihydrogen monoxide, but I'm forced to by the economics of dairying. If it weren't for giant multinational corporations controlling the marketplace and foisting their products on dairy farmers caught between the banks and the government, we'd all eat more healthily, and I could eliminate the DHMO and maybe even go organic. Worse, DMHO is a major component of acid raid. You won't hear THAT from the chemical companies.

Mom said...

I'll let you in on a secret: the organic farms use DMHO, too! They just don't want it known . . . .

Dad said...

I KNEW IT! I hear they also wash their pipelines with manure!

Spongy Penguin said...

Ah ha ha, you gotta love that dihydrogen monoxide.