Monday, July 25, 2022

This post is for Margot (and also for anybody who likes bunnies)

Margot, this post is about something you're interested in: bunnies!

On our trip out West, Grandpa and I visited your Great Uncle Jim and Great Aunt Mary Ellen.  Great Uncle Jim is Grandpa's brother. They live in California, in the desert, where it's very, very, very hot and it hardly ever rains.  It's so hot and dry that instead of grass and trees and flowers like the ones that grow around your house, they have sand and desert plants like cactus and yucca, and strange plants called Joshua trees that look like something from a Dr. Seuss book.

This cactus patch is right next door to the house where Great Uncle Jim and Great Aunt Mary Ellen live.  Lots of rabbits live there because they can hide under the desert plants and keep cool in the shade.  Great Uncle Jim and Great Aunt Mary Ellen like the rabbits a lot and want to make sure they have enough to eat and drink, even though it's so hot and dry. So, every day, they get up early, when the sun is just coming up, and they cut up lettuce and carrots and bread to put outside for the bunnies, along with rabbit pellets and plenty of water.

Early every morning, the bunnies come to their house and wait in the yard, because they know the food is coming. 

(I took these pictures from inside the house, through the window, so I wouldn't scare the bunnies away.) 

And then the bunnies have their breakfast.

Birds like breakfast, too.

The bunnies come so regularly that Great-Uncle Jim and Great-Aunt Mary Ellen can recognize some of them.  For instance, they can tell that this bunny comes every day.  It's easy to recognize because it has a notch in its ear.  

I like the way the morning sunlight shines right through the bunny's ear.  Look closely and you can even see the blood veins.  Grandpa and I think that these desert bunnies have bigger ears than ours do at home.  What do you think? 

Anyway, we thought you might like to know about your great uncle and great aunt, who like bunnies almost as much as you do.  They even have this pretty bunny tile in their house, right by the window where you can see the bunnies eating. 

 And the real bunnies are just as cute as the decoration!


1 comment:

Kate said...

Margot says "I LOVE BUNNIES!!!!"