Monday, January 12, 2015

Another surgery

Dad had surgery today: arthroplasty to replace the worn-out joint in his right thumb.  It was a rather cool procedure that involved removing part of the trapezium bone and inserting a small piece of tendon taken from nearby in his forearm into the space, to cushion the joint and permit comfortable movement. On Thursday, he'll get a cast to replace the bandage on his arm, and will wear that for 6 weeks or so. He was pretty uncomfortable earlier today -- after his experience and mine in November, we are not very impressed with post-surgical nursing care and pain management at Bassett --  but he's feeling good tonight.


Dad said...

i thought i was Dad.

Laura said...

Nope, you're Fred.

Unknown said...

Feel. Better Fred.

Unknown said...

I'm going on a pain patch in a couple days. Any thoughts?