Thursday, August 16, 2007

Great stuff happening on the global warming front. Newsweek ran what was truly one of the most slanted and untruthful pieces I ever read. They complained about the gloabl warming denial machine, and alleged that some GW "deniers" were paid, get this, $10,000, by evil multinational oil corporations to write pieces critical of GW theory. There IS a machine in this debate, but it's not on the denial side, it's on the alarmist side.

Meanwhile, a statistician/blogger discovered a flaw in the data that analyzes temps in the US. It turns out that 1998 is not the hottest year ever in the US. 1934 is. 1934.

And it appears many of the stations that record temperature in the US are located in urban areas near asphalt, air conditioners and other things that could distort temps. Temps are then "adjusted" to reflect the surrounding area. What? This sort of thing has always made me wonder about GW. How can we compare temps recorded now with those recorded 100 years ago? Were conditions and instruments identical in the two sets of data? They couldn't have been.

Anyway, read this.

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